############### ## Main info ## ############### ## Routine name routine_name: VBSWH_mkW_Mjj100toInf_Htobb_dipoleRecoilOn_bb_ULNanoV9_PNetXbbVsQCD_ak8 ## Type of the tagger, can be 'bb', 'cc', or 'qq'. This is used in the choice of proxy - e.g. for 'bb' one use ## g->bb as the proxy of bb resonance signal and extract the SF from the flavour B component. type: bb ## Year of the UL condition. Can be 2016APV, 2016, 2017, 2018 year: 2016APV ## Prefix of the main samples produced from NanoHRT. $YEAR is a placeholder of year in the format above ## This need not be changed except for expert use. sample_prefix: /ceph/cms/store/user/jguiang/boohft-calib/samples/20220130_ULNanoV9_ak8_qcd_$YEAR ## Jet pT edges to define multiple exclusive ranges for fit ## e.g. for edges [e1, e2, e3], will define three pT range [e1, e2), [e2, e3), [e3, +inf) pt_edges: [250, 500, 700] ## [Optional]: Step 4 will by default run the impact for the central fit point, which is time-consuming. ## For this example we temporarily disable the feature, which does not affect the scale factors. run_impact_for_central_fit: true # default: true ####################### ## Tagger defination ## ####################### tagger: ## The variable name or expression of the tagger. Name convention same to that stored under NanoAODv9. ## example expression: FatJet_particleNetMD_Xbb / (FatJet_particleNetMD_Xbb + FatJet_particleNetMD_QCD) expr: FatJet_particleNetMD_Xbb / (FatJet_particleNetMD_Xbb + FatJet_particleNetMD_QCD) ## Span of the tagger range span: [0., 1.] ## Dictionary of the custom working points defined in user's analysis. Derived SFs directly corrspond ## to these WPs. Format: {name: [low, high], ...} ## Note: below values are taken only as an example. Please optimize and choose the WPs dedicated to ## the user's anlaysis wps: {HP: [0.90, 1.]} # wps: {HP: [0.90, 1.], MP: [0.85, 0.90], LP: [0.80, 0.85]} ######################## ## Main analysis tree ## ######################## ## Specify the main analysis tree used to extract the signal tagger shape main_analysis_tree: ## path: ROOT file path of the user's signal sample. $YEAR is a placeholder of year in the format above ## treename: the name of the tree to read in the file path: /home/users/jguiang/projects/boohft-calib/data/VBSWH_mkW_Mjj100toInf_Htobb_dipoleRecoilOn_$YEAR.root treename: tree ## The selection used for this sample applied in the user's analysis. This will ensure us to find the ## correct g->bb/cc/qq jet phase-space (for bb/cc/qq-type calibration respectively) that serves as a ## reasonable proxy to the resonance signal jets under this user-specified selection ## *NOTE*: should always use parentheses between & and | selection: (passes_bveto) & (M_jj > 500) & (abs(deta_jj) > 3) & (hbbjet_score > 0.3) # selection: (passes_bveto) & (M_jj > 500) & (abs(deta_jj) > 3) ## Name or expression of the same tagger variable defined in this tree tagger: hbbjet_score ## Event weight expression used in the user's analysis weight: xsec_sf*lep_id_sf*elec_reco_sf*muon_iso_sf*btag_sf*pu_sf*prefire_sf*trig_sf